So…. I’m pregnant - can I still work out?

Pregnancy, Pilates, Mums n Bubs.

The short answer is: ABSOLUTELY!

At Bodyfirst Pilates we’re here to support you in staying fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy and post-natal period.

How do we look after you?

Firstly, and most importantly, please communicate with our instructors. We need to know that you are pregnant, and any health or related issues so that we can ensure the safety of both you and your baby at all times. It is also imperative that you communicate with your healthcare provider that you are participating in exercise with us and ensure you let us know (and follow) any restrictions they advise.

First trimester?

During your first trimester you are welcome to attend any of our group classes. Our fully trained instructors will work with you closely to make sure you get the most out of your workout and stay safe at all times.

After the end of your first trimester you will sadly no longer be able to attend our group classes as they are not suitable for your needs.

Second / third trimester?

At Bodyfirst Pilates we don’t offer pre-natal or post-natal classes in a group setting as it is our belief that you deserve only the best care, and, since every pregnancy is different, the best way to do this for you is to look after you in a one-on one environment. That way we can tailor the workout to your specific needs and move at a pace that suits you.

Post natal?

Everybody recovers differently from childbirth, but no matter what your journey holds we’re here for you. We will work with you in a one-on-one setting according to any healthcare restrictions until such a time as you are ready to re-commence group classes with us (a full medical clearance is required for your safety).

Mums & bubs classes?

We want you to feel welcome to work out at any time that suits your schedule! So we don’t offer specific Mums and Bubs classes - every class is a mums and bubs class!

We’re here to help and have become super skilled at instructing while holding a baby - all we ask is that you take responsibility for them and for any disturbance to the class they may cause.

Any Questions? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!