I consent to voluntarily participate in health and fitness services provided by Bodyfirst Pilates at my own sole risk and responsibility; this includes, but is not limited to the following activities:

Reformer Pilates Classes, Reformer Pilates Cardio and Advanced Reformer Pilates Classes at the studio premise.

The level of exercise that I will perform will be at my own pace, based upon my cardio respiratory (heart and lungs) fitness, muscular strength, endurance and limitations. I understand that there are risks that may be associated with any form of exercise. I hereby agree that prior to my participation I will inform Bodyfirst Pilates of any known medical conditions or factors that may put me at risk, for which Bodyfirst Pilates will need a medical release from my medical practitioner prior to participation. I will inform Bodyfirst Pilates of any symptoms before during and after participation that occur such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, or any pain or discomfort for my safety and benefit.

Bodyfirst Pilates shall not undertake any obligation (whether contractually, at common law or otherwise) to advise or treat me in relation to any of the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. I acknowledge that it is my obligation and mine alone to take responsibility for my health and wellbeing during any type of exercise I undertake with Bodyfirst Pilates.

I will be given tuition on how to perform exercise and will direct any questions to Bodyfirst Pilates. Bodyfirst Pilates will monitor my performance and otherwise evaluate my effort.

I acknowledge and agree that infants and minors are the sole responsibility of their parents / guardian not Bodyfirst Pilates. It is and will remain my personal duty to care for any infant and minors in my custody and Bodyfirst Pilates shall not be liable in any infant or minor in my custody is injured in any way.

I acknowledge that any type of exercise involves risk of injury. Bodyfirst Pilates shall not be liable for any injuries or damage to me, or my property, or be subject to any claim, demand, injury, or damages whatsoever, including without limitation, damages resulting from acts of active of passive negligence (claim). I release Bodyfirst Pilates from all liability caused by or arising from any claim.

Bodyfirst Pilates shall not be liable or responsible to me for articles lost, damaged or stolen from any of its studios.

This waiver may be pleaded in response as a bar to any legal proceeding taken by me or on my behalf, in a breach of this waiver.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood this document and shall identify and keep Bodyfirst Pilates indemnified against any losses arising from a breach of this waiver.

Any Reference to Bodyfirst Pilates includes its agents, employees, contractors and Studios.

I consent to my image in photographic, video or digital format being used or displayed on Bodyfirst Pilates social media accounts, websites, Google listings, and within the studio for commercial purposes. I understand I can withdraw this consent by contacting us via email: and advising us in writing.

PLEASE NOTE: Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice