Allan Horsman Allan Horsman

Why Is Breathing So Important?

Why Breathing Is So Important for Pilates

How often do you breathe while exercising? Do you feel tension in your neck or shoulders? Do you find yourself stopping mid exercise to catch your breath or reset?

If this is you, you might need to become more aware of your breathing. Your breathing should be LOUD. Being physically aware of your breathing, means we should be able to hear your breathing. 

But when do you exhale and inhale?

For each Pilates movement, there is a breath in or out that accompanies each movement.

Try these breathing exercises next time you’re in the studio

- E X H A L E when exerting. You gain energy by releasing a breath and connecting your core. Think EXERT≠ EXHALE

- I N H A L E to relax, slow down or reset.

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