Post Pilates Workout Recovery Tips
There’s nothing better that crushing a workout. However, recovery is just as important as the workout itself. Doing these next few habits will aid in your muscle recovery and enhance your future workouts, making you stronger and stronger each time.
Cool Down and Stretch
Bodyfirst Pilates instructors makes sure you have a few minutes at the end of each workout to bring your heart rate down and get into any stretches that release any muscle tension you have. When you look after your body post workout, this can aid in enhancing your performance with your next workout and there is less chance of injury post workout. Everytime you exercise, your body puts you in a stress response, which helps you build muscle. However, its important to cool down, incorporate some deep breathes to re-regulate your nervous system.
Hydration is always a priority before, during and after a workout. When you aren’t properly hydrated, you will feel decreased performance during your workout and your muscles will be more prone to cramping. It regulates your body temperate, during and post workout, lubricates your joints, flushes out any toxins (which works hand in hand with deep breathing) and boost your energy levels.
Sometimes water doesn’t cut it to replenish your electrolytes so pop a hydralyte or some salt in your water to add an extra hydration boost!
Proper Nutrition
This is a big one. Not only should you have proper nutrition before your workout, a post workout meal is also a must! Yes you heard me correctly. Working out on an empty stomach is basically like trying to drive a car without any fuel. As we said, when you workout your body responds like its in stress. This is a natural stress response. So if you wake up, drink coffee and go workout, your body is in override and can’t properly function because its in too much stress. You won’t be able to work as hard and you will feel it post workout.
So, having a little bite to eat before is going to help in your post workout recovery. Some nuts, a date, some berries is enough to push you through your workout. You will notice more effective workouts and you will be able to challenge yourself more.
A post-workout meal should be high in protein like eggs, greek yogurt, chicken or protein shake. Balancing that with some complex carbs like oats or sweet potatoes and healthy fats like avocado or nuts.
Rest and Sleep
One of the best things you can do to aid recovery is getting a good nights rest. 8 hours at least! When you enter into your deep sleep, blood flow, tissue growth and muscle repair all happen. If you find you’re a bit of a night owl, try to start a night time routine 30 mins earlier then you normally go to bed. Keep winding it back each week so you can get a full nights sleep!
Hope these tips help! Can’t wait to see you in the studio for more Pilates!